
欧冠 20℃ 0

  Failure isn’t the end, unless you let it be. Don’t believe me? Here are 5 people who lived through failure before going on to become names known around the world:失败不是人生莫雷事件导致NBA在中国市场受挫的终结,除非莫雷事件导致NBA在中国市场受挫你向它屈服。不相信吗?下面5个人就曾经历过失败,但战神了它,并成为了家喻户晓的名人。




  Walt Disney华特·迪士尼

  Disney began his career by being fired by a newspaper for not being creative enough. Later, his Mickey Mouse cartoons were rejected because they were deemed to be “too scary for women。” If that wasn’t enough, "The Three Little Pigs" was also turned down because it only had four characters。最初,迪士尼之所以决定创立自己的事业,是因为他bwin必赢官网被一家报社辞退了——后者认为他缺乏创意。之后,他创造的米老鼠卡通形象又遭到拒绝,因为米老鼠被认为“对女性来说太过恐怖”。更有甚者,他创作的动画《三只小猪》也被拒绝了,原因是动画中只有4个形象。


  Thankfully, we have the Disney company today because Walt chose not to listen to any of his critics and press forward towards his dreams。感谢上苍,华特决意不听从那些批评家对他的否定,而是向着梦想锐意前行,我们才有了如今的迪士尼公司。


  Michael Jordan迈克尔·乔丹

  Michael Jordan迈克尔·乔丹

  As a kid, Jordan loved basketball and knew he wanted to make a career out of it, though no coach would give him a chance because he was short. After using an inside connection to get into a basketball camp from which players for college teams were chosen, Jordan got noticed by a coach—who still chose not to invite him to the team。乔丹在幼年时代就酷爱篮球,虽然他身材矮小,没有教练愿意培养他,他却立志要以篮球为自己的终身事业。 后来,经熟人介绍,乔丹参加了一次篮球夏利营,参与这个夏利营的成员有望成为大学校园中篮球队的队员。乔丹引起了一位教练的注意,然而这位教练最终仍然没有让乔丹成为自己的队员。

  Jordan returned home discouraged, but decided to prove the coach wrong. Now a member of the NBA Hall of Fame, just about everyone would agree he succeeded。乔丹满心沮丧的回到家里,但他决定要以行动证明那个教练看错了自己。如今乔丹已经成为NBA名人堂的一员,恐怕没有人会对飞人的成就有所质疑。


  Stephen King史蒂芬·金

  Stephen King史蒂芬·金

  King is a best-selling writer whose work has been made into several motion pictures. However, his first work was rejected 30 times, which lead to King throwing it in the trash. Thankfully, his wife made him keep working at it, and—from that inauspicious start—Carrie was born。身为一位畅销书作者,史蒂芬·金有数部作品被翻拍成电影。然而,他的第一部小说却被拒绝了足足30次,以至于金自己都将它扔进了垃圾桶。还好,他的妻子鼓励他不放弃——经历了艰辛的起步阶段之后,《魔女嘉莉》诞生了。


  Milton Hershey 弥尔顿·好时

  Milton Hershey 弥尔顿·好时

  The man who blessed us with the sweet milk-chocolate treat we all love wasn’t a hit the first time around. Before launching his own candy business, he had worked for a local candy factory. But when he decided to go out on his own, he failed miserably.这位先生让我们能享受到好时牛奶巧克力的甜美滋味,然而他在创业之初并不受欢迎。在他建立自己的糖果事业之前,曾在一家地方糖果工厂打工。可是当他决定要自己创业时,他遭遇了惨败。

  Despite two more failures, he returned to the family farm and perfected the art of making delicious milk-chocolate candy, which we enjoy in the form of Hershey chocolate today.后来他又遭遇了两次挫败,尽管如此,他回到了家族农场,在那里改良了制作美味牛奶巧克力的工艺,如此才有了今天我们大爱的好时巧克力。


  Theodor Giesel西奥多·吉塞尔

  Theodor Giesel西奥多·吉塞尔

  This author struggled to write a novel that publishing companies would call something other than “pure rubbish” several times—27 to be exact. The man just wouldn’t quit, though.这位作家竭力想要出版一部小说,这部小说数次被出版社拒之门外,甚至称其“纯粹是垃圾”——确切的说,它被拒绝了27次。尽管如此,这位作家并没有放弃。

  One fateful night, he ran into an old friend who had recently taken over as a children’s literature editor. The friend agreed to publish Giesel’s work. Better known today as Dr. Seuss, Giesel was never again called a failure after his first book struck it big.在一个改变他命运的夜晚,他遇到了一位老朋友,后者刚任职为儿童文学编辑。这位友人许诺吉赛尔会出版他的作品。自从他的第一部作品出版之后,再也不会有人称吉赛尔是失败者了,如今吉赛尔以“苏斯博士”的笔名成为家喻户晓的作家。




